

Welcome! I’m Luke and I’ve been the pastor at Silver Street since 2017.

Silver Street Community Church was started in 2015 in partnership with Enfield Town Community Church.

We are seeking to be a Jesus-centred, Bible-teaching church in the Silver Street area of Edmonton, loving our community as we share the best news in the whole world.

There is hope.

Jesus’ death on the cross is the heartbeat of hope; a display of God’s love for us, despite our rebellion against Him. In fact, the cross is the way that God deals with the problem of our rebellion.

Jesus’ resurrection secures our hope – and He’s still transforming lives today. Jesus meets us in our brokenness to deal with our greatest needs.

At Silver Street, our passion is to share His good news message of hope in our community.

We are a growing family made up of people of all sorts of ages, social backgrounds and nationalities – everyone is welcome to join with us as we seek to make Jesus known whilst growing to know Him better. Here is some more information about us that you might find helpful…