Sermons on Luke (Page 2)
When you’re tempted, what do you do?
A certain life
A certain Saviour
A certain future
The present to you (Luke 2v11)
The present you don’t deserve (Luke 1v30)
The Present of God’s Presence (Luke 1v12)
How to ask (Luke 11v5-13)
How should we approach God in prayer? Jesus encourages us to Be Bold Beggars of a Generous Giver Asking gets answers. As we pray how Jesus teaches us to pray, we can boldly approach the throne of grace, because of who we come through and because of who we come to. Be bold to the max!
What to ask next (Luke 11v3,4)
Jesus encourages us to have the heart of a beggar and the confidence of a child… We can daily depend on Dad as… Provider Forgiver Protector
What to ask first
Back in the school of asking, Jesus teaches us to be pancake pray-ers. When we think about asking, it’s normally all about ME. Jesus teaches to get first things first and flip our asking upside down. The priorities of prayer are that God would be… Honoured as Holy Obeyed as King As we become pancake prayers it will change how we ask and what we ask for…