Sermons on Luke (Page 4)
Who do you say I am?
Luke 9:18-27. How do you spot a real disciple? Listen to what Jesus has to say.
You give them something to eat…
Luke 9:1-17. Jesus gives his disciples some important lessons for the task he will leave them to do.
The death reverser
Luke weaves together two stories of two dying daughters to show us that Jesus is the one who reserves death. Luke 8:40-56.
A story to tell
Luke 8v26-39. A little help on how to tell others how much Jesus has done for us.
Trust Me
Luke 8:22-25. Jesus calls disciples to trust him.
We are family…
Jesus speaks of His families likeness. They hear and do God’s word. Luke 8:19-21.
This little light of mine…
Jesus shows the importance of how we listen, not just for ourselves but for others around us as well. Luke 8v1-18 – esp verse 16-17.
Careful how you listen!
Luke 8:1-18. Using a story about seed and soil Jesus urges people to consider carefully how they listen to his good news message about the kingdom of God.
What do you see?
Signs of forgiveness
Luke 7:36-50. How do you spot a forgiven person? The forgiven woman in this story teaches us what you can expect to seen in people forgiven by faith in Jesus.