Sermons by Luke Crowter (Page 28)

Sermons by Luke Crowter (Page 28)

Asking the Asker how to Ask

Welcome to the School of Asking! Luke 11 encourages us to go back to school. Disciples of Jesus are those who learn from Him. One of the things we need to learn is how to pray – and in the Lord’s Prayer, praying is asking. At the School of Asking we… Learn how to ask Learn from the best Let’s have the humility to ask the Master Asker: “Lord,…

The Family of Blessing (Gen 48-49)

As Jacob nears the end of his life, he looks back and sees that for the family of God; even in the mess, God will bless. As he looks forward he sees that for the family of God; even in the mess, God will bless. If we are to be in the blessed family of God, we need A Father who embraces us A Son who delivers us Who God chooses to bless and who God uses to bless might…