Sunday gatherings
We meet together with God at 10.30am every Sunday.
During the service we sing, speak to God in prayer and listen to Him as His Word the Bible is read and preached.
For children up to age 8, there are groups that meet during our service, led by our trained and DBS checked teams. For older children, there are fill-in sheets to help them engage.
There is a seating zone reserved for those who want to maintain 2m social distancing. On your arrival, please just let one of the welcome team know if you’d like to sit in this zone.
After our meeting, coffee and refreshments are served as we spend time chatting and encouraging one another – please stick around to introduce yourself! This is then followed by a hot lunch provided for everyone – again, all are encouraged to stay!
This service is also live-streamed on our YouTube channel, but we hope you can join us in person if possible…
If you’d like to get in touch beforehand or have any questions, please get in touch at