The LORD provides leaders to bring His Word to us
How does God’s Word get to God’s people? We need a mediator to represent us to God and make God known to us. We also need appointed men of character to bring God’s Word to bear into the complicated circumstances of life as they arise.
When you’re tempted, what do you do?
The LORD makes Himself known through His people
Through our story of what God has done, the outsider is drawn in like a moth to the light.
The LORD wins our victory
There is hope in the fight – because Jesus has His hands up.
The LORD is with His people
This story is here for us a BAD example NOT to follow. Don’t do what they did! Don’t ignore the LORD’s track record Don’t accuse the LORD of leaving
He became one of us…
The LORD gives us rest
Along the journey to destination rest, the LORD gives His people pitstops to enjoy the promised land now… A day that’s Different Devoted Delightful
The LORD daily provides our needs
On their journey from the Red Sea to Mt Sinai, the Lord is teaching His saved people some very basic lessons… Grumbling from the LORD Bread from the LORD Will we rely on God to give us what we need, when we need it?
The LORD is worthy of our trust
The LORD who saves His people sometimes choose to take them through trying times – to test their trust. The people’s BIG problem The LORD’s amazing provision The LORD’s wonderful promise
“Show me your glory.”
As we launch into a new series in Exodus, here’s A great request A great response