“My Kingdom is not of this world”
Jesus doesn’t seem to have… Palace People Prestige Power John invites us to look beneath the surface and see that Jesus is a King – but not the one we might have expected.
“I have spoken openly to the world.”
Don’t play chameleon with the truth.
“I am He”
Listen to the powerful words of the Word. As Jesus says “I am He” it becomes clear He is The God who knows The man who dies
The day of the LORD is near
Obadiah is an overheard telling off, for the benefit of a little brother who’s been badly treated. When the day of trouble is NOW, remember; the day of the LORD is near
Fearfully and wonderfully made
This foundational truth shapes our attitudes towards Ourselves Others God
Contending for the gospel
Commitment & the word of love
Renewal & the word of life
God’s words are totally trustworthy – which means we can have complete confidence in His Word His Character
Guidance & the Word of light
God’s Word is a light which helps us to… Walk wisely in God’s world Not wander the wrong way
Struggle & the word of lament
When we find ourselves at the end of our tether, God’s word gives us… Hope to hold on to Promises to pray Words to weep with