Pleading God’s promises
Nehemiah’s model prayer encourages us to Set aside seasons Plead God’s promises It’s amazing what happens when we pray according to God’s will!
Confessing our sin
Ezra shows us how to deal with guilt. Two things to take hold of: The guilt of our sin The grace of our God God’s grace outweighs all of our disgrace.
Don’t delay!
1. The supreme priority of the life of a disciple is to cultivate a deep love for God and for other people 2. Don’t delay in this endeavor as life has a way of making this more challenging as we get older and busier
Spreading our problems before the LORD
Hezekiah gives us a model of how to pray when we’re unsettled by the loud lies of the enemy… HOW? Choose your position WHAT? Counteract the lies WHY? For God’s honour
Calling for help
Do we really need help praying “Help!”? Jonah’s prayer is a model to us. Calling for help means… Praying wherever you are Recognising God sent the storm Using your mouth for more When the storm sweeps over, call for help!
Rejoicing in the Lord
Hannah’s prayer is a model of how to rejoice in the Lord. Run to coach Spark a fire Spring into tomorrow A practical tool to help copy the model: “3 in 3” – take time to do these 3 things in 3 minutes, at the end of each day. Look back – what has God being doing in your life today? Look up – what does THAT tells us about His character? Look forward…
Join me in prayer
On our partnership Sunday, Dougie Affleck from Bury Street Community Church came and appealed to us to join in the prayer struggle. It’s needed It’s what family do It’s partnership
A mountaintop experience
A WOW moment. LOOK at who Jesus really isLISTEN to who Jesus really isLOVE Jesus because of who He really is