The way to life
As Jesus comes towards the end of His sermon on the mount, He divides the crowd. 2 paths 2 trees 2 claims Narrow or broad, which will it be?
The asking life
Two big things: one about what God is like; one about what we should be like. Our Father gives good gifts to those who ask We should do to others as we would have them do to us Matthew brings these things together, and when they meet there’s something important for us to learn…
The discerning life
What should we do when we spot sin in others? Don’t be a fault finder Do be a mirror user Don’t be a treasure waster When we see ourselves clearly, it helps us see others clearly, too.
The trusting life
Jesus gives us a way out of the worry whirlpool. Have a good look Have a good think Have a good priority When we realise that God is our Provider, Father and King, it frees us to trust Him.
The devoted life
Devoted disciple or hungry hippo? Store stuff higher Give stuff away You can’t serve both God and money – so which is it going to be?
The secret life
It’s possible to do the right thing for the wrong reason. What matters most is that you are seen by your Father in heaven… so be careful about how you give, pray and fast.
Psalm 111
The love life
Being like God means living the love life. When relationships are bad, don’t be normal! When relationships are bad, go above and beyond in… Attitude Action … because that’s what Jesus is like…
The faithful life
If we’re going to be like God when it comes to making promises, we need to be… Fully Faithful Really Reliable. Royal Family Life is the faithful life – because that’s what God is like!