Joyful Gospel Partnership means… Living for Christ
How do we make decisions that honour God? Paul’s life reveals one key question to ask. He was at a fork in the path, faced with two good options: To live is Christ and to die is gain. How do we decide? By asking “What’s better for others?” This is the Jesus path – and…
Joyful Gospel Partnership means… Preaching Christ
We are gospel partners to preach Christ. Preaching Christ means: Unzipping your mouth to speak of Jesus as King For Paul this was more important than… Personal comfort Personal reputation What about us?
Joyful Gospel Partnership means… #1 Praying for each other
Paul’s prayer is a model of how to pray for gospel partners. How to pray: 1. Pray thankfully 2. Pray confidently What to pray: Pray that they would be made ready for the return of the King. Prayer is not pointless – prayer has purpose!
Joyful Gospel Partnership (Philippians)
Are you a lone ranger or a team player? Philippians shows us what joyful gospel partnership looks like. It’s a thank you letter from servants of a king, to a people in a place with a purpose, thanking them and God for joyful gospel partnership. The work of the gospel is a team sport – we’re in it together.
Good News or Fake News? (Matthew 28)
The Resurrection of Jesus is the central truth of the Christian faith. Is it good news or fake news? Matthew gives us proof of the truth. He’s not here! He is here! When we see that Jesus’ resurrection is true, good news, there are two right ways to respond… Worship Jesus Go and tell of Jesus
The Dying Life-Giver (Matthew 27v45-66)
Jesus’ death is all about life. He gives up His life, to give us life He goes into the tomb, to break us out Will you believe or be deceived?
The Unsaved Saviour (Matthew 27v27-44)
In a passage filled with mockery, abuse & violence. We need to see it through the right filter! Jesus is mocked as… King Teacher Saviour God Little did the mockers know that the cross & resurrection is exactly how Jesus proves Himself to be the true King, the great Teacher, the powerful Saviour and the living Son of God.
God saves us for a New Creation
Hope for broken people living in a broken world: there’s a new one coming! As Noah stepped off the ark, he stepped into a New Creation where… Things last Relationship is enjoyed Life flourishes Noah’s new creation gives us a hint of what the final New Creation will be like…
Jesus is the hero (Matthew 14)
Jesus is the centre of the rescue story. The rescuer is the hero, not the person being rescued! When we keep Jesus as the hero, that leads to… Saving Faith True Worship
The Resurrection and the Life
John 11 brings us face to face with death. The delay points us to Jesus’ glory The tears point us to Jesus’ compassion The command points us to Jesus’ power Jesus proves that He can give hope in the face of death.