Bible Talks (Page 41)

Bible Talks (Page 41)

What to ask first

Back in the school of asking, Jesus teaches us to be pancake pray-ers. When we think about asking, it’s normally all about ME. Jesus teaches to get first things first and flip our asking upside down. The priorities of prayer are that God would be… Honoured as Holy Obeyed as King As we become pancake prayers it will change how we ask and what we ask for…

Who we ask

Through Jesus the Son, His disciples have a family relationship with the God of the Universe. They call Him: “Father.” That means we should; Ask Dependently Ask Confidently If we get a hold of this incredible truth about our relationship with God, it will transform the way we pray…

Asking the Asker how to Ask

Welcome to the School of Asking! Luke 11 encourages us to go back to school. Disciples of Jesus are those who learn from Him. One of the things we need to learn is how to pray – and in the Lord’s Prayer, praying is asking. At the School of Asking we… Learn how to ask Learn from the best Let’s have the humility to ask the Master Asker: “Lord,…

When Death Draws Near (Gen 50)

Chapter 50 of Genesis confronts us with two deaths. Jacob and Joseph. This chapter leads us to the Christian hope in death that Jesus, the greater Joseph, gives to those who trust in him. When death comes near and Christian can say: We have a son who will carry us home We have a son who assures us we are forgiven We have a son who is coming again

The Family of Blessing (Gen 48-49)

As Jacob nears the end of his life, he looks back and sees that for the family of God; even in the mess, God will bless. As he looks forward he sees that for the family of God; even in the mess, God will bless. If we are to be in the blessed family of God, we need A Father who embraces us A Son who delivers us Who God chooses to bless and who God uses to bless might…

Game Changing Grace

Genesis 43 opens in Famine and ends with a feast. This dramatic turn around is down to 3 game changing actions. A father who is willing to send his son, a son who was with his brothers, and a son who shows kindness to those who wronged him. These 3 game changers point us to the game changing grace of God needed to turn our lives around.