Easter Sunday 2017 – Mark 16:1-8
Good Friday 2017 – Mark 14:27-31
Seeing our sin (Genesis 42)
God’s transforming grace leads Jacob and his sons to the saviour, helps them to see their own sin, provides the help they need for free, and starts to change their hearts. This is the transforming grace of God that we still see at work today as he brings people to Jesus who provides the salvation we need, helps us see our sin and slowly transforms our lives to be…
Saviour of the world (Genesis 41)
Joseph rises from the prison to the palace to become a saviour of the world in the middle of famine. Joseph foreshadows Jesus a greater saviour to whom all the world comes for salvation.
A man to be listened to about the future (Gen 40)
In Genesis 40 we meet a suffering son who is a man to be listened to about the future, a man to be remembered, and a man who teaches us how to serve in our sufferings.
God with Us (Genesis 39)
This chapter present us with two things we need. First – a saviour who succeeds where we fail. Second – a Lord who is with us all the time. These are two things the believer has in Jesus.
Mess and Mercy (Genesis 38)
Into the Mess of Judah’s sinful life God shows Mercy by giving him a family into which the saviour Jesus would be born.
Sent and Seeking (Genesis 37:12-36)
Genesis 37:12-36. The father sends the son to his brothers. The son seeks out his brothers. The brothers reject the son.
Ezekiel 37
Ezekiel 37
Psalm 51
Psalm 51. The grace of confession and forgiveness.