Love it or hate it
Genesis 37:1-11 tells the story of a loved son with a message from God pointing us forward to a greater loved son with a message from God. Its a message of mercy into the mess, a message that demands a reaction, and a message that we can expect to be hated for too.
Reasons to journey with Joseph
The saving of many lives – overview sermon. 3 reasons to journey with Joseph over the next 14 weeks. 1) It will teach us to trust the sovereignty of God. 2) It will teach us to bow to Jesus as Saviour. 3) It will teach us to serve through our sufferings.
Jesus’ People are Praying People
Jesus’ People are Cross Remembering People
Jesus’ People are Life Sharing People
Jesus’ People are Bible People
How to build in 2017 – Zech 4v6
A word about what Jesus will be doing in 2017. A word to us as a church, and a word to us personally about 2017.
Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9v6)
Two types of Christmas (2 Cor 8:9)
Psalm 46 – A song for times of trouble
In times of trouble God’s people sing. What do they sing about? The God in whom they trust. They sing that God is our helper, that God is with us, and that God will win.