Help in the helplessness of death
Luke 7:11-17. Jesus is God who helps us in the helplessness of death.
You owe me nothing!
Luke 7v1-10. Jesus meets a man who he says has great faith. He is a man who comes to Jesus for help recognising that Jesus owes him nothing.
Be careful who you follow
Luke 6v37-49. Using three parables Jesus shows the importance of following Him and the dangers of the alternatives.
Shocking Kindness
Luke 6:27-36. Jesus calls his followers to be shockingly kind to everyone, including their enemies.
Follow Me
Luke 5:27-32. What does it mean when Jesus says to Levi “Follow Me”? Three things: Turn, Follow, Mingle.
I want you to know…
Luke 5:17-26. Jesus has God-give authority to forgive your sins. This is something wants us to see, know, understand and be convinced about as he heals a man who can’t walk.
Willing and Able
Luke 5v12-16. Believe it or not “uncleaness” is our biggest problem. In Luke 5 we meet Jesus who is willing and able to make us clean.
Caught Alive
Luke 5v1-11. Jesus came to fish for people and is still doing so today.
Words that make things happen
Luke 4:31-44. A glimpse into the power and authority of Jesus’ words that make BIG things happen.
A welcome from God
A welcome from God. The year of the Lord’s favour.