One Offs (Page 8)
Don’t delay!
1. The supreme priority of the life of a disciple is to cultivate a deep love for God and for other people 2. Don’t delay in this endeavor as life has a way of making this more challenging as we get older and busier
Join me in prayer
On our partnership Sunday, Dougie Affleck from Bury Street Community Church came and appealed to us to join in the prayer struggle. It’s needed It’s what family do It’s partnership
A mountaintop experience
A WOW moment. LOOK at who Jesus really isLISTEN to who Jesus really isLOVE Jesus because of who He really is
Edmonton stabbings – a response
In the light of violence in our community, Psalm 5 gives us 3 reassurance… The LORD… Hears & answers our prayers Hates & punishes the wicked Welcomes & protects the righteous
Verse of the year 2019 – Living lives of love
Meeting with the risen Lord Jesus
When the disciples came face to face with the risen Lord Jesus, He gave them 4 things… Here are two priorities to prayerfully pursue in 2019 Peace that leads to joy The Spirit who equips for mission May 2019 be a year of pursuing the beauty of a scarred Jesus.
Psalm 111
Come & See (John 1)
You’ve changed (1 Peter 2v10)
Christians are people who have changed! BEFORE AFTER You didn’t belong … You belong! You needed help … You’ve been helped! Which side of the line are you?
The Value of Unity (Ephesians 2v11-22)
3 things to look at in order to understand the value of unity… The life before and after unity The peace made for unity The purpose of unity