Sermons by Luke Crowter (Page 16)
Verse of the year 2021
Let us not become weary in doing good. Why? Because of what happens at harvest
The Angel’s Song
Peace on earth? Just a Christmas catchphrase? Peace IS possible.
The Shepherds’ Song
Zechariah’s Song
Jesus dawned because God deeply cares about those living in the shadow of death. Jesus deals with death’s darkness & saves us from the shadow as he brings… Rescue from our enemy Forgiveness of our sins
Mary’s Song
The Mighty Most High came down to help the normals and nobodies.
God’s Word is not chained!
Even when we are limited, restricted or in lockdown, God’s Word is not chained!
The LORD loves His people
The LORD brings His people on a journey to a special place in order to invite them into a special relationship. What will you say?
The LORD provides leaders to bring His Word to us
How does God’s Word get to God’s people? We need a mediator to represent us to God and make God known to us. We also need appointed men of character to bring God’s Word to bear into the complicated circumstances of life as they arise.
The LORD makes Himself known through His people
Through our story of what God has done, the outsider is drawn in like a moth to the light.
The LORD wins our victory
There is hope in the fight – because Jesus has His hands up.