Sermons by Luke Crowter (Page 20)
Trusting His immense power
Just a touch is enough. This passage gives two models of faith… Outrageous faith Courageous faith Just with His fingertips, Jesus brings restoration & resurrection. Will you move towards Him in faith?
Seeing it’s something new
The impact of Jesus’ arrival changed everything. It’s party time It’s the start of something new
Remembering who you are
Believing He can forgive
Jesus says: “I want you to KNOW.” A Controversial Claim A Powerful Proof Jesus wants us to be crystal clear certain about his authority, right here, right now, to forgive sins.
Finding comfort in judgement
This story is, at the same time, deeply uncomfortable and deeply comforting. The Son of God will drive the evil enemy into the lake.
Learning to sleep in the storm
It IS possible to have calm in the chaos. In these verses we see… Jesus; calm in the storm Jesus calming the storm When we see that Jesus is with us, and WHO Jesus is, we can sleep in the storm.
Counting the Cost
Two good reasons NOT to follow the King. It WILL be… Uncomfortable Inconvenient Do you still want to follow Him?
This is love
The only hope for a community of love… Love Defined Love Displayed
Serving the Servant
The Servant King came to fix things by… Welcoming the broken Becoming broken In response we should serve the King, and serve like the King.
Living by faith
What does it actually look like in practice to live by faith? Asking for help Knowing we don’t deserve it Recognising Jesus’ authority