Sermons by Luke Crowter (Page 22)

Sermons by Luke Crowter (Page 22)

Rejoicing in the Lord

Hannah’s prayer is a model of how to rejoice in the Lord. Run to coach Spark a fire Spring into tomorrow A practical tool to help copy the model: “3 in 3” – take time to do these 3 things in 3 minutes, at the end of each day. Look back – what has God being doing in your life today? Look up – what does THAT tells us about His character? Look forward…

Salvation song

Singing stirs God’s redeemed people to praise Him for all that He’s done, and trust Him for all that’s to come. CHORUS: Reason for singingVERSE 1: Who the LORD isVERSE 2: What the LORD has doneBRIDGE: Who is like you?VERSE 3: What the LORD will do So sing!

Red Sea Redemption

When the enemy feels big and God seems small; stand still & see salvation. The LORD has done it all! The LORD leads His people The LORD controls His enemy The LORD delivers His people The LORD destroys His enemy The answer to fear & distrust is a bigger view of the LORD, and what the LORD is doing.

Lest we forget

Lest we forget. The LORD gives His people a meal with a meaning – to celebrate their freedom, remember that blood was shed on their behalf, and tell the next generation all about it. This meal marks… A new era A real redemption A covenant people And it’s needed as a reminder that God owns your life God owns your lips When Jesus ate the Passover on the…