Sermons by Luke Crowter (Page 23)
I AM and I will
When God says “Go”, it’s Him we need to know. Exodus 3 gives us a close up view of the LORD. The LORD is Holy The LORD is Rescuer The LORD is The LORD is faithful
A parent’s concern
When God hears “help”, He raises a rescuer. A protected baby A royal son A rejected ruler An exiled outsider As we watch Moses wrestle with his identity, we see who this rescuer really is…
Previously, on…
The first few verses of the book of Exodus recap the story and set the scene. Here are three things we need to know at the start of the story: It’s God’s story God is God God is good
Verse of the year 2019 – Living lives of love
Meeting with the risen Lord Jesus
When the disciples came face to face with the risen Lord Jesus, He gave them 4 things… Here are two priorities to prayerfully pursue in 2019 Peace that leads to joy The Spirit who equips for mission May 2019 be a year of pursuing the beauty of a scarred Jesus.
Shepherd (Micah 5)
Everyone wants security. Find yours in the Shepherd who will… Stand forever Be stronger than everything Spread everywhere
The Lasting Life
Hearing is not enough. Will you buildwise? Building wise = hearing AND doing what Jesus says; because what Jesus says, goes.
The asking life
Two big things: one about what God is like; one about what we should be like. Our Father gives good gifts to those who ask We should do to others as we would have them do to us Matthew brings these things together, and when they meet there’s something important for us to learn…
The discerning life
What should we do when we spot sin in others? Don’t be a fault finder Do be a mirror user Don’t be a treasure waster When we see ourselves clearly, it helps us see others clearly, too.
The trusting life
Jesus gives us a way out of the worry whirlpool. Have a good look Have a good think Have a good priority When we realise that God is our Provider, Father and King, it frees us to trust Him.